Server Commands


/imageframe Commands Team Commands Other Commands Bounty Commands VIP Commands How to Add Map Markers from Signs on Dynmap How to Use and Create a Chestshop

/imageframe Commands

/imageframe select

Select item frames to put image maps on.

/imageframe create <name> <url> <width> <height>

Create a new image map.

/imageframe create <name> <url> selection

Create a new image map and put it directly in your selected item frames.

/imageframe refresh [optional:image_name] [optional:new_url]

Refresh a map you've created from source URL.

/imageframe info

Get info related to the image map you are holding.

/imageframe get <name>

Get a self-created pre-existing image map.

/imageframe get <name> selection

Put a self-created pre-existing image map directly on your selected item frames.

/imageframe delete <name>

Delete a self-created pre-existing image map.

/imageframe list

List all self-created pre-existing image maps.

/imageframe setaccess <name> <player> <permission>

Set access permission of other players for your map.

Team Commands

/team echest

Opens your team's enderchest.

/team color

Changes your team's color.

/team allychat [message]

Send message to allies.

/team description [description]

View, change team's description.

/team ban <player>

Bans player from your team.

/team warps

View team warps.

/team top

View top teams.

/team ally <team>

Create an alliance between teams.

/team leave

Leave your team.

/team create <name> [tag]

Create a team with the specified name.

/team rank [team]

View a team's rank.

/team join <team>

Join a team.

/team neutral <team>

Remove allies and reject ally request from a team.

/team pvp

Enable or disable PvP.

/team list [page]

View all teams.

/team home

Teleport to your team's home.

/team kick <player>

Kick a player from the team.

/team chat [message]

Send chat to only your team.

/team name <name>

Name your team.

/team open

Toggle if your team is invite-only.

Other Commands


Escape from being stuck inside a block.


Take the item you're holding and put it on your head.


List players near you or another player.


Private message another player.


Send and receive mail.


Change your or another player's nickname.


Open a disposal menu


Show current direction.


Show warps or warp to a location.


Describe an action.


Mark yourself as AFK, can be useful for skipping nights.

/discord link

Links your Discord account with your Minecraft account.

/discord linked

Checks which Discord account is linked with you or another players Minecraft account.

Bounty Commands

/bounty list

Displays the list of active bounties.

/bounty check <player>

Directly displays the bounty on a player.

/bounty raise <player>

Raises the bounty for a player by contributing to the player's bounty reward.

/bounty silentraise <player>

Raises the bounty for a player, hiding the identity of the benefactor.

VIP Commands

/team sethome

Sets your team's home.

/team setwarp

Sets a warp for your team.

/co inspect

Get a log of when a block has been modified.


Teleport back to last death.

/gravestonesplus AllGraves

Show recent deaths, teleport to them.


Sets your home.


Teleport home.

/invsee <player>

See a player's inventory.

How to Add Map Markers from Signs on Dynmap

Place a sign, make sure the first line is [dynmap], the second line is the name of your marker. You can select an icon by using icon:iconname.

Example of Dynmap Sign 1 Example of Dynmap Sign 2

How to Use and Create a Chestshop

Step 1

Chestshop Step 1

Write "[trade]" on the first line of a sign.

Step 2

Chestshop Step 2

Type the command /ts setProduct with your product in hand.

Chestshop Step 3

Use /ts setCost and specify what you'd like to trade.

Chestshop Example 4 Chestshop Example 5

Users can now type /ts what to see in your shop. To buy, right-click the sign with the cost of the product.